With Valentine’s Day approaching, we all start to turn our thoughts to finding the “right one.” If you’ve already found that special guy (or girl) – then great. But for those of you still getting to know him or her, why not pose my 20 questions, and see what their response is.
Each one of the questions below has a reason and a logic behind it that will allow you to gauge how suited you are as a couple. I’ve covered all the areas that can make or break a relationship – from that initial physical attraction, to attitudes towards sex, to their ambitions at work. I’ve also included a few that will indicate to you how committed they are and how they see their future developing – and most of all whether or not you might feature in their plans!.
It’s all about seeing their reactions, so drop the questions in subtly and casually in to a conversation – and most of all, without warning!
So here are Fernanda’s 20 Questions:
1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? (p.s. pay attention to see if this place would be something you want as well)
2. Perfect holiday – beach or snow? (Very important because if you prefer the other option will be difficult to plan vacations together as a family)
3. Ideal home – city or country? (More important because if you like the beach for example, you will not want to live in the country side which means the married wouldn’t reaaaally work)
4. Have you fulfilled your ambitions at work? Are you happy with what you’ve achieved? (Let’s see if he or she is an ambitions person)
5. Do you go to the gym quite often? (you need to find out whether he / she will continue being “hot” during the marriage)
6. You’ve just been given a bonus at work. Do you save it or blow it on a weekend in Vegas? (If he/she chooses Vegas, forget it!! They will never think of a family future unless if it’s for his bachelor/ stag night – otherwise go to the next in the married queue)
7. It’s the end of the week: so will it be a quiet night in with pizza, wine and Netflix, or would you prefer to party the night away from club to club until the early hours of Sunday morning? (Now you need to think of what YOU prefer as you both can do it together)
8. Favourite place you like to make love or a place or your dream place? (This is an exciting question)
9. What attracts you most in a woman/man? (Man will probably say – eyes and personality! But they are lying most will be thinking of the “booty or boobs”)
10. Close your eyes first – and then ask him “what colour are my eyes?” (This is a tricky one, they will probably give the wrong answer)
11. Ask him if he remembers the dress you wore the very first day you met? (Both great questions when you’re still in the very first days of a relationship to see if they really have been paying attention to you!)
12. Your longest relationship? Weeks? Months? Years? (Let’s find out if he / she was a bad girl/ boy or a serious one when teenager)
13. Have you ever cheated in a relationship? (Make sure they tell the truth but do not ask that question if YOU already have cheated because if not the spell turns against the sorcerer – rolling my eyes)
14. Are you still in touch with any of your ex’s? (If he/she is then they probably still likes them – go to the next in the married queue)
15. How many children would you like to have? (You can get an idea of his/her ideal family)
16. Do you have any children? Or may feel that there is one somewhere lost in the world that you not sure of? (important to know, you don’t want any surprises later)
17. Do you see yourself as a sex addictive? (Of course he will say he is great in bed like all man say, but make sure you have a trial before the wedding day – you will have enough time to change your mind in case he doesn’t fill your expectations)
18. Did you ever do something wrong that if I find out I may break up with you? (of course no one will never tell you because they are not bloody idiots, but pay attention to their reaction!!!)
19. Tell him you need to buy a new dress for a party, and would he like to come with you to help choose something nice? (This is to test his attitudes to coming shopping by the way and to test his taste on clothes, not to see how generous he might be!!)
20. Would you have money to buy an engagement ring? Just wondering. (Important step, to know how long he will keep you waiting for – now take him to a jewellery store just in case he has the money – hahaha)
And of course after this massive interrogation he / she will probably think you are crazy but it dens’t matter at least you will be sure if you really want to get married to this person or not, better than wasting your time and life in a married that won’t work . If the person who you want to get married to do not match with your questions, don’t stress out – NEXT PLEASE!!
Lots of love and happy married
Fernanda Zorzal